
Mark's ARW!

First of all, I'd like to say thank you to Mark. With your support, I could survive this term :)

Autumn term is very tough for me because I had a festival and also, we had to read piles of text. However, this term's topic, race, was very interesting and urged me to think about racial problems. After reading through this text, I realized that I got to be confused. I think that most problematic point of the concept of race is that could be used to promote discrimination.therefore, context plays very important role. Autumn ARW had another tough work,essay. I made my effort as much as I can but I wonder if I had much more time. However, I can get used to an academic writing so next semester, I'll write more better essay!

Thank you. Mark.

1 件のコメント:

  1. Nice work on this blog, Hisae!

    You have written thoughtful, developed articles on almost all of the required topics and left a record of the step by step process of your essay as well.

    I really like how you included pictures--very artistic. Nice uploading of your 20x20 slides. Including your AASP content as part of your autumn learning was good, too.

    It was a busy term, but I'm glad to see that you were able to learn many things from Autumn ARW! I hope you will continue to blog like this and record your reactions to what you learn day to day.

