
Outline of My Essay

 Research Question
  How should Japanese use alternative media to avoid media control?

Thesis Statement
In order to avoid media control and get sufficient and reasonable information, we should utilize the Internet as alternative media. Although there does exist dangers of fully relying on the Internet, benefits are more crucial and without changing the concept toward the Internet, we no longer live as independent citizens.

. Introduction
            A. (Hook) news about earthquake in Tohoku
            B. (Background) current situation of the Internet and media
            C. Thesis statement

. Advantage of using the Internet as an alternative media
           A. Enables people to share ideas and develop knowledge more easily
                   1. Power of Creativity
Discussions on the Internet by using blogs or facebook and so on.
                   2. Power of Controversial
Information on the Internet is diverse and arguments are also diverse.
                   3. Power of Changeable
                              Revolution in Libya
           B. Enables people to look at both side of the news or issues whenever they want
                   1. Diversity of the information
                   2. less censorship
          C. Enables people to gather opinions which may difficult to reach the government or
 companies .
1.       Power of Majority
demonstration against nuclear plant  

. Disadvantage of using the Internet as an alternative media
A.     There exist a fear of media control which is completely hidden.
B.     Power of majority may overwhelmingly attack people and  cause a panic.

. Opinion
A.     Be aware of disadvantages
B.     A method of getting reasonable information

. Conclusion
A. Repeat thesis and main points

オルタナティブ・メディア : 変革のための市民メディア入門

1 件のコメント:

  1. Nice outline, Hisae! Good luck with the draft.

    Keep changing your outline as your ideas become clearer.

    Your advantages section seems very nicely detailed with good ideas, so go ahead and write it first.

    I hope you can find some good ideas and sources for the disadvantages and suggestions section, too.

    The "Opinion/Suggestions for how to use it well" paragraph is ultimately the most important paragraph, so keep brainstorming good ideas based on your analysis of benefits and disadvantages of alternative media/news sources.

    I'll be looking forward to your draft next week!


    Hope you can talk with Rab Paterson, too! Do you want me to write a introduction email to see if he is willing to help? If so, just let me know. Or just go ahead and contact him yourself. Be an aggressive researcher!
