
Essay idea (need to be more SPECIFIC)

1. What is the issue you plan to research and write about?
    importance of view of science

2. Why is the issue important? What is the significance?
   In my opinion, scientific view can provide us objective thinking because science rely on numbers and these things has only one fact even if people have different perceptions (written in ELP reader). so scientific facts like statistics can be a measure to identify a fact.

3. Why are you interested in this? What’s the connection to YOU?
   because I'm interested in Physics and I always believe that objective view of thinking is important for science. and I motivated to search this topic by disaster in Tohoku. It gives me an impression Japanese meadia and government should show more statistics about this disaster, such as problem of atomic plant.

4. What questions do you have about this issue? What do you want to find out?
  How can we decide without statistics(evidence)?
  How much our life is supported by science? (→if so, we need to have knowledge about science somehow)


1 件のコメント:

  1. Hi Hisae,

    We didn't have much time to talk today, so...let's get together again another time this week. Please sign up or email me!

